Matlı, which ranks first in feed production in Turkey and is Turkey’s largest egg producer with a total daily production capacity of 5.5 million eggs in its facilities in Karacabey and Akhisar, has been in the retail sector since 2010. In 2022, Matlı joined the group and continued its growth in the retail sector with milk and dairy products produced in Yörsan facilities in Susurluk, one of Turkey’s top 5 production facilities with a daily raw milk processing capacity of 1,500 tons.
By starting the production of also the white meat, red meat and milk and dairy products in the medium term, Matli will become a food group supplying Turkey's need for protein.
In 2023, with Keskinoğlu joining the group, Matlı entered the white meat sector and became Turkey’s first and one of the biggest fully integrated poultry producer in its facilities in Akhisar; Keskinoğlu delivers chicken meat, table eggs, pasteurised eggs, pasteurised eggs, viol and further processed products to all four corners of the world.SECTORS


We continue to create high-yield yield and high profit without compromising customer-oriented service and product quality for our breeders to earn more.

We meticulously manage all procurement processes that increase soil fertility and support animal husbandry.

Animal Husbandry
Animal Husbandry
With the products and business models we develop, we always stand by our breeders for their yield and earnings.

Pet Food
Pet Food
With our professional approach to feed production, we make a difference in the sector by producing cat and dog food with reliable ingredients.

Logistics and Warehousing
Logistics and Warehousing
We carry out our activities to pioneer the warehousing sector and increase awareness of this business area.


We are developing projects that offer new opportunities for entrepreneurs who will invest in special-status industries.

We invest in fuel stations to create resources for our business partners' fuel needs and offer solutions that reduce their costs.
A Future Getting Off The Ground In Karacabey
1965Our story began with the onion trade of our founder the late Omer Matli in Karacabey... -
Feed Production Facility of Karacabey
1988We entered livestock sector with our feed factory in Karacabey... -
Paddy Business
2002We began paddy processing in Canakkale Biga... -
Omer Matli Academy Research and Development Center
2005We built a farmstead in Karacabey to offer highly efficient products to breeders and raise fully qualified personnel... -
Konya Feed Plant
2006We continued feed production with the first facility we founded in Central Anatolia Region... -
Turgutlu Feed Plant
2009We founded our third feed factory Turgutlu district of Manisa... -
Burdan Egg Production Facility
2010We greeted egg industry with the facility we founded in Bursa Karacabey... -
Corlu Feed Plant
2011We opened our feed production facility in Tekirdag Corlu to provide faster service to our breeders in Thracian Region... -
Samsun Feed Plant
2012We announced the opening of our feed factory in Samsun to indicate the importance of livestock farming in Black Sea Region... -
We Switched to SAP
2013With our growing market share in the sector and increasing number of facilities, we switched to the choice of professionals, the SAP system... -
Gaziantep Feed Plant
2014It was time to found a factory in Southern Anatolia. Our Gaziantep feed pplant began serving to be close to our breeders in the region. -
Konya Licensed Warehouse Facility
2016We built our first licensed warehouse facility in Konya in the very first years of licensed warehousing being put into use in our country. -
Gaziantep Licensed Warehouse Facility
2018We opened our licensed warehouse facility also in Gaziantep which has plenty of fertile soil... -
Karacabey Licensed Warehouse Facility
2018We built our licensed warehouse facility in Bursa Karacabey region with its' plenty of lowlands to serve also our farmers... -
Burdur Feed Plant
2019We launched our seventh feed factory in Burdur with its' developing livestock farming... -
Corlu Licensed Warehouse Facility
2019We put our licensed warehouse facility into service in Tekirdag for our breeders doing agriculture in Thrace... -
Turgutlu Licensed Warehouse Facility
2019We built our first licensed warehouse facility in Aegean Region... -
Polatli Feed Plant
2020We put our feed production facility into operation in Polatli district of our capital city of Ankara... -
Polatli Licensed Warehouse Facility
2020We founded our licensed warehouse facility for our farmers in Ankara to put their products into good use... -
Karacabey Solar Power Facility
2020We began to use clean energy with the solar panels we put on the roof of our Burdan Egg Facility…